Good Mornin'

Drove to
Got to do some birding along the way. 90 species on the trip including six lifers (Barrow's Goldeneye,Mountain Plover,Sage Thrasher,McCown's Longspur,Black Rosy-Finch,Brown-capped Rosy-Finch). It’s getting harder to rack up those lifers.
Toured New Belgium Brewery. A fine place, a great tour and among the best hospitality rooms around. If so inclined, go straight for the free beer. A big bonus for the locals. Place was PACKED on a Tuesday afternoon.
Every day was great. Including a rendezvous with fellow Geriatric Telemark Society member Boardie. Friday between games, 0745 departure. Head to
That's what you get for clean livin'!
Woke up to this. Need I say more?
So I’m applying for a crew position to Mars on Virgle. My kind of trip…
I would characterize my overall level of physical fitness as:
Great. I'm totally buff.
Good. I can do the stationary bike roughly as long as it take to watch a Talk Radio rerun on my gym's cable system.
Okay. I could probably do a few crunches if you really insisted.
Poor. The mere sight of a treadmill gives me chest pains and a weird tingling feeling in my extremities.
I am a world-class expert in
physics medicine and first aid engineering Guitar Hero II