Klussendorf Blog

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Went to the NCAA Hockey Final Four. Tampa. 

So warm weather, good birding, good hockey.

Also a chance to visit my boyhood home on Cresthill Drive in Town N’ Country, just on the far side of the airport. While Dad was serving in Korea for a year, I went to first grade in Tampa.

I remember the house, the neighborhood a bit, the school, the pool (long gone). I was riding a bike by then. Got a Mohawk. Wore shorts on Christmas day. We went to a ‘Twist’ dance party. Kennedy was shot..and Oswald too while my mother was ironing. Good times.

Stopped by the house. No longer a new area. Now middle-class Hispanic with 50 year-old homes. The old shirtless man of the house and his wife spoke no English. The granddaughter a bit. I finally got my point across. I’m sure they thought it odd that I would stop by, but they were nice about it. Worth a peek.


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