Klussendorf Blog

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Westbound and Down

BroFest 2011 was in Northern California July 4 week. We always miss a few folks. Still, had a very nice quorum. Headcount of eight+.

Some great riding, camaraderie, family, friends. Few days in the smoking hot central valley. Few days along the beautiful coastline north of Santa Cruz.
And a day in between around San Francisco. Nephew Jake showed off his Oakland Hills route. Nice uphills, freakin’ fast downhills and not much flat. Just a mile into it, the five of us rolling along. I was careless, hit a bump. Front wheel zigged the bars from my hands, bike went down hard and I followed. Mostly just slid. A few holes in my kit, kept me from worse road rash. Washed the mean streets from my wounds, straightened the bike out and we pressed on for a beautiful and demanding 50 miler.

As the days went on the raspberries hurt less. By evening my chest was aching. My hip grew a large hematoma. Neck was sore at day 2-3.

I can’t complain. Though not lately, I have crashed lots. Mountain biking and ‘cross will do that. Low sides, high sides, front wheelies, over the bars, off the back. Knock wood, only have had minor injuries in spite of some pretty good wrecks.

Felt good enough after a rest day to do a beautiful 30 miler through Pescadero. Great times. Thanks all.

Ribs hurt enough after returning to get it checked out. Broke my #5 on the right side. Damn.