Sister Judith encouraged a visit to my Mom’s old stomping grounds, Lafayette County, WI. I’d say Gratiot or Argyle or Woodford or Whiteside, but you’d never find ‘em.
We stayed over with cousin Steve on Friday. They live on such a nice ridgeline on highway 78; well you could just sit and look at the vista for hours. Went to see a ‘lil play produced by cousin Marjean, quite fun. They hauled me up to do a bad job of “YMCA” on stage. Saturday we stopped by cousin Dean’s dairy. Well, his knees could no longer take the milking so he sold his dairy herd at the beginning of the year. Now just has about 60 beef cattle, Buelingos, and some Holstein calves he’s rearing for Stacy. We joke that now he’s retired ~ about as retired as 100 cattle and 500 acres lets you be.
Quick stop in Darlington at Uncle Roger and Marion’s. Paid our respects at East Wiota Lutheran, to Mom, grandfolks, greatgrandfolks, greatgreat… Saturday night found us with cousin Bruce at one of his Janesville bars. And a passle of other relatives.

Great scenery, curds, beer and kin. Good job Judith!