Klussendorf Blog

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Facebook won't let you post links anymore. Stupid Facebook. A great film, and a great project to prepare for the London Olympics. You will be moved.


Sunday, April 15, 2012


Went to the NCAA Hockey Final Four. Tampa. 

So warm weather, good birding, good hockey.

Also a chance to visit my boyhood home on Cresthill Drive in Town N’ Country, just on the far side of the airport. While Dad was serving in Korea for a year, I went to first grade in Tampa.

I remember the house, the neighborhood a bit, the school, the pool (long gone). I was riding a bike by then. Got a Mohawk. Wore shorts on Christmas day. We went to a ‘Twist’ dance party. Kennedy was shot..and Oswald too while my mother was ironing. Good times.

Stopped by the house. No longer a new area. Now middle-class Hispanic with 50 year-old homes. The old shirtless man of the house and his wife spoke no English. The granddaughter a bit. I finally got my point across. I’m sure they thought it odd that I would stop by, but they were nice about it. Worth a peek.