Not the biggest snowstorm we've ever seen. The fifth largest on record from MSP and a respectable one (one or both of us have been through all of the top 5, BTW) . Perfectly predictable, but Barb's UM/UMDuluth hockey series, and her cookie bake would not wait.
Friday, in no problem. Dinner; Barb to the game; Kurt shopping; no issues. Saturday, as predicted, we awoke to 6 inches of freshies with the peak expected from 0900-1300. Barb drops Kurt off at Foci for his 0900 slot. As Todd says, "if you're here, we're here."
Then it all goes to hell. Kurt calls Barb a half-hour later, "when you're in the neighborhood drop off some glass color I forgot". Barb is hopelessly stuck and a little stressed out on a major street 2 miles away. Todd goes to rescue her. Screw the errands for today, Barb and Todd return. Kurt eventually finishes his slot around 1400 and off we go, another 8 inches on the ground.
15 minutes and more pushing to get out of the parking lot. Pretty dark at 1430 and still puking snow. A single lane down many of the critical parts of I-35. One stretch through the spanking new, 3+ lane crosstown interchange is a foot plus deep on all sides with two tire tracks and the bottom scraping in the passable part. Only momentum and gas and the privateer running a plow directly in front of us got us through. Cars, most with people, stuck everywhere. A semi stuck smack-dab on the cloverleaf from I-494W to I-35N as we pass. Write that one off.
We stop at an available plowed entrance and plot our entry to the night's lodgings. A 15 minute walk through howling winds and we decide it best to park at a ramp we can reach and walk the final three blocks.
Kurt's blow partner doesn't show. Todd decides not to return to Foci rather than battle the 3' drift guarding his drive. UM/UMD game is cancelled. Cookie bake is cancelled. Shops and restaurants close by noon. The 150 mile stretch of I-94 from Hudson to Tomah closes. The Metrodome collapses and Sundays Viking game is moved to Detroit on Monday.
By Sunday dawn its way colder, windy and clear. 80% of side roads are still wilderness clogged with stalled vehicles. But the main roads are fine. Perhaps two lanes rather than four, but who's driving anyway? We skedaddle back home.
Other than we made it with no serious side-effects; other highlights:
- Scanning the Star Tribune. Section one, back page. Neighbor Jeff took a nice picture from our old front lawn. Neighbors Ron and Christie shoveling. A Christmas tree being hauled home from Java Jack's. Nice.
- A snowplow gang working I35. A phalanx of seven snowplows working five lanes. Arrayed from left to right with a few free agents punching up the exits and other squirrely bits.
- Three semi-trailers within 200 yards in the ditch on I-94 eastbound.
Winter's here.