The Kirtland's Warbler is an endangered species found only in Michigan. With enlightened management, the bird has built up to numbers near 2,000 breeding males in both the lower and now upper peninsulas. Wintering in the Bahamas.
At some point, a few must've taken a left at Chicago. In 2007, they were also discovered in suitable habitat in the central sand plains of Wisconsin. So it was that we rose at 0'dark hundred on Saturday for a 0500 rendezvous near Big Flats. We brushwhacked through the Jack Pine for a good half-hour before spotting a calling male. Sweet! Everyone in our first group got good looks and was well serenaded.
Shortly after that, the bird stopped displaying and instead bounced low through the brush. It had attracted and was courting a female. 18 known birds in the whole state; and he finds a match! Life will find a way.