Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Audubon Christmas Bird Count yesterday. Hooked up with Gerry Janz at 0700, he'd been out since 0230 owling and got three species of owls in our sector (sector 2 of a circle centered on Stevens Point). Good to hook up with Gerry and spend some quality time. We missed on Black-backed Woodpecker. Got about 100 Blue Jays and a number of other species, good success. Also Brown Creeper, Pine Siskin and White-Winged Crossbill, bringing my Portage County total to 103 species. And counting.
High around 20, but it felt colder.
Monday, December 15, 2008
White Rider

Been out of touch for a while. Busy, busy. I'll do some quick posts, for what it's worth. Went for a few rides two weeks ago. Season wrap-up. The last bike ride was last week in 4 inches of freshies. Worked OK, but that's probably the last one for a while.
Tho...web site of the day, year-round (moto) riders. Sweet!