Coming over the first rise, perhaps, for glass blowing. After a year’s efforts (all fun!), my pieces are getting to the point where some are marketable. This week I’ve got work into three galleries/gift shops. And, OK, many are just ornaments and my real pieces at MCGA are in the dark, back corner in this weekend’s show. But they’re out there, the shopkeepers and artists are universally supportive. Wow, who knew…everyone but me. And I have a few checks in hand. At least my ‘habit’ may be self-supporting soon. I guess that’d be the second rise.
Kurt gets another A+ for his glass blowing and web sight updates.
The featured colorful glassball is as fine and beautiful as the one I bought years ago at a local fine gift shop. It is time to market your wares.
It was so fun and educational to watch Kurt work on his glass blowing and help other glass blowers at the studio. If you visit Kurt and Barb, be sure to ask him for a chance to watch him preform his magic at the studio. Bunch of great people there to learn from and watch.
Love, Judith
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