
First ski race of the season today, a nice 12k classic at Nine-mile. Snekkevik. Great, hilly course. Three inches of light, slow, untracked freshies over a firm base. It was OK for us, the skaters that followed really paid the price.
It made for the week's longest hour. OK, 62 minutes. On the rivet for the first half, I had relatively good kick so could pass people on the uphills and try and hold on the flats. I really had to dig hard to get around some people. Once past, they didn't come back. Had to watch my technique in order to stay efficient and to not show any encouraging weakness to the vanquished. The last guy I passed held behind me by 10 or 15 seconds, and so provided constant incentive not to take the last third to slow. At the end he was closing, I had enough but I stayed steady through the finish straight got it done. Don't know how I'll do this for the four-plus times longer Birke. Yikes.
Wausau's great, excellent turnout and a strong showing by area clubs. It was also a middle and high-school meet, so lots of kids. Good to see skiing a part of the community and the school system. Lots of spirit.
We should get results sometime.

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